Brady is 7 months old!

posted by Brittney

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Brady is 7 months old!!

He weighs 17 lbs, is 28 inches long, and has 2 teeth (almost 5!). He is now in size 3 diapers and still in 6-9 month clothes. He is a champion eater in the baby food department and LOVES blueberries, mangos, and purple carrots (??). Unfortunately, Brady has been sick 2 times this past month with the same thing...bronchiolitis, which is no fun at all. He has to have breathing treatments a couple times a day and he is absolutely miserable at night, which is a bad combo with the teething he has been having.

Brady can roll over from back to front now, he can sit up by himself (for the most part), and he loves to drink water from a straw cup or an open cup! We are still working on the straw. Being a speech therapist, I am trying to avoid sippy cups at all costs just because of oral motor development. So I have a few tricks up my sleeve to help him learn to drink from a straw. And he loves working on it! He likes to take drinks of water from a straw and from my cups. Already stealing my drinks!

Brady had his first "haircut" this month by Eric. His hair grows down over his ears and makes him look a little bit like a girl, so Eric took his trimmers to it! Brady's personality is really starting to come through and I love it!! It is so much fun being his mama. He has started to understand "no" thanks to lots of pulling on the dogs hair and on Eric and I's neck. And he is beginning to understand the word "gentle" when petting the dogs. Still a work in progress. We have started using some baby sign language with him, just introducing it. Obviously he won't be able to use it himself yet...

Playing around at daycare

The sleeping still hasn't gotten much better. We are working on transitioning to the crib, but it's hit or miss most nights. His daycare teachers have been helping out by working on the crib while he is at daycare, which has helped a little! It's a work in progress for sure!

Brady likes: bath time, riding in the golf cart at Nana & Pawpaw's house, being outside, his puppy dogs, his football lovie, going to daycare (but also when I pick him up), blueberry, mango, and drinking from an open cup.

Brady dislikes: having a stuffy nose and when mommy leaves the room. {Seriously, there isn't much this kid is unhappy about!}

With his cousin, Amelia

With his cousin, Ty-Ty

With his cousin, Abigail

I can't believe Brady will be ONE year old in 5 months! We love our boy and love watching him grow!! It is such a blessing being his parents :)

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